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Sinned by Veronica Daye


My latest book, Sinned, has brought me a lot of email and comments. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me! Many of you asked what my inspiration behind the story was and I promised I would blog about it, so here it is.

When I first started talking about writing Sinned, a couple of people were skeptical about what I would be writing. I think they thought I would be writing something blasphemous and to those people I honestly question how well they really think they know me.

On the other hand, there were people who were very excited. One of those people was my dad who told me about his neighbors who are a former priest and nun who left the Church because they fell in love with each other. It’s stories like that that I thought about when I sat down to write Sinned.

I’ve had this story in my head for a long time. I went to Catholic school and to be honest, seriously considered becoming a nun. I even graduated college with a double major in English and Religion.Sinned by Veronica Daye

There are a lot of parallels in Sinned with my own real life (as there are in most of my books), but what really inspired my writing Sinned was my very own Father Charlie. You see, back in third grade my parents switched me from Sacred Heart to St. Peter’s School. Those of you who have read Sinned will remember those names. They are real churches, beautiful churches, and a lot of the story about those churches and the changing community is completely true.

Anyway, the year I started at St. Peter’s, a new priest had started too. He was young and it seemed strange to us kids that this young guy would have become a priest. His name was Father Charlie and from what I remember he was always very warm and kind. By the time I was in high school we had another young priest at our parish and he was so much like one of us (he played basketball, went to restaurants, wore normal clothes) that I wondered what would happen if he ever met that one person fell in love.

Ultimately, as much as I hate to admit it, I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in love at first sight. I totally believe that we have soul mates and once our own soul finds that person, it wants to hold onto that person and never let go. The philosopher Plato believed in what is called a split-apart. Basically the belief is that we were one soul but the souls were split in half. We spend our lives searching for that other part, the one that makes us complete, the one we can’t explain why but when we’re with that person we suddenly make sense. I know a lot of people think that’s bullshit and they frown on what they call “instalove”. Honestly I feel sorry for people who refuse to believe in love at first sight. I think those are the people whose hearts have been stomped on and hurt the most. Whether instalove or even true love is real or fantasy, life is too short to be so jaded to think that that kind of love is impossible.

So, with that belief and my thinking about the priests back in my Catholic school days, I wondered what would happen if someone like Father Charlie met his split-apart. What if that urge to make his soul complete was so powerful that it changed everything he believed in? That was when Father Charlie McArthur appeared in my head and started telling me about Ava and how they fell in love.

Sinned is currently available and I’ve bundled it with my other two books Stepbrother Bad Boy and Tease for a very limited time
. It is an Amazon exclusive until December so if you’re part of Kindle Unlimited you can read all three books for FREE for only one more week! Grab the limited edition Sinned on Amazon while you can.

In one week I will be removing Stepbrother Bad Boy and Tease from Sinned. And shortly after that they will be out of Kindle Unlimited. I’ll write a blog post soon about what my plans are for them, but I’m really excited about what’s next for Stepbrother Bad Boy, Tease, and Sinned!

Also, keep an eye out because soon I have a surprise book coming out–CRAVE. I can’t wait to tell you more about it! Keep an eye on my Facebook page or sign up for my newsletter to find out when Crave will be available.

Until next time! *hugs*